Meet Claire

Clarity and Innovation

in Healthcare.

Work with Claire to safeguard health and support mental wellness.

Meet Claire

Clarity and Innovation in Healthcare.

Work with Claire to safeguard health and support mental wellbeing.

How Claire Works

Ask her a medical question or tell her how you’re feeling.

Claire goes to work!

Claire will start a conversation with you, may ask questions to better understand what you need and dig a bit deeper into current symptoms, activities, or state of mind. She may also ask questions about history and background.

Using cutting edge AI, she pulls from the world’s verified medical expertise, and combines that knowledge with your information. The results are tailored uniquely to your situation.

Accurate and Helpful 
Medical and Mental Health Support.

Anywhere, Anytime.

How Claire Works

Ask her a medical question or tell her how you’re feeling.

Claire will start a conversation with you, may ask questions to better understand what you need and dig a bit deeper into current symptoms, activities, and state of mind. She may also ask questions about history and background.

Claire goes to work!

Using cutting edge AI, she pulls from the world’s verified medical expertise, and combines that knowledge with information you provide. The results are tailored uniquely to you and your situation.

Accurate and Helpful 
Medical and Mental Health Support.

Anywhere, Anytime.

How Claire Was Built

Claire was built with security, accuracy, and control from the start.

Information is secure

Claire meets or exceeds governmental regulations and is HIPAA Compliant. Using split key encryption you can rest assured your data is safe.

Results are clear and accurate

Every response from Claire is accompanied by a confidence rating and sources . She will never lie to you or provide an unsupported answer.

You, and only you, have control

You decide how information is used and who can see it. Your data is private until you decide to share it, no exceptions.

How Claire Was Built

Claire was built with security, accuracy, and control from the start.

Your information is secure

Claire meets or exceeds governmental regulations and is HIPAA Compliant. Using split key encryption you can rest assured your data is safe.

Results are clear and accurate

Every response from Claire is accompanied by a confidence rating and sources . She will never lie to you or provide an unsupported answer.

You, and only you, have control

You decide how your information is used and who can see it. Your data is private until you decide to share it, no exceptions.

How Claire can help you

Know your body better with verified medical expertise for peace of mind and personalized support with Claire for Individuals.

How Claire can help you

Know Your Body Better with verified Medical Expertise for Peace of Mind and personalized support with Claire for Individuals.

How Claire can help healthcare professionals

Accelerate results and help patients and clients faster and more reliably with Claire for Professionals.

How Claire can help healthcare professionals

Accelerate results and help patients and clients faster and more reliably with Claire for Professionals.

I want this! How can I sign up?

Initially releasing as a web application, Claire will be available in 3 versions:

Claire for Professionals – Available NOW!

Claire for Individuals – Available in Beta Release

Claire for Organizations – Launching Soon


For everyday life.

Beta Now


For healthcare professionals.



For hospitals, labs, clinics & more.


Discounts are available for first responders, students, military, and veterans.
Email with proof of status to receive your discount code.